Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tarling cirebonan 2010

Mohon maaf bagi penggemar tarling cirebonan karena baru update lagi dan bagi yang tidak puas dengan tarling cirebonan ini mohon kirim email/kirim pesan ke chatbox. Blog ini bukan komersil tapi untuk berbagi dan mengenalkan tarling cirebonan yang lebih luas.


Manuyi said...

Encak gah lorokaken tayuban

Download Ebook Gratis said...

mantab dan bagus banget nich blognya, kunjungan balik ya bro di download ebook gratis

[Toparmon CDT™] said...

Kang Aku Request Kesandung Cinta Versi karouke Ought
sebelume Makasih

Unknown said...


What I'm going to tell you might sound kind of weird, maybe even a little "out there..."

HOW would you like it if you could simply hit "Play" and listen to a short, "miracle tone"...

And miraculously bring MORE MONEY into your LIFE??

And I'm talking about BIG MONEY, even MILLIONS of DOLLARS!!!

Sound too EASY?? Think it couldn't possibly be REAL?!?

Well then, I've got news for you..

Sometimes the most magical blessings life has to offer are also the EASIEST!!!

In fact, I'm going to PROVE it to you by letting you PLAY a REAL "magical wealth building tone" I've produced...


YOU simply press "Play" and watch how money starts piling up around you... starting almost INSTANTLY...

CLICK here now to enjoy the magical "Miracle Money Tone" - it's my gift to you!!!